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Rutin for IC - Green Tea

Rutin for IC

Exploring the possibilities.

Are you wondering how rutin for Interstitial Cystitis fares? When doctors diagnose patients with Interstitial Cystitis, also known as Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS), patients may think all hope is lost.

Millions across the globe suffer from IC/BPS, yet we know so little about this condition. Bladder pain, urinary urgency, and a host of other symptoms characterize it. Doctors and patients work together to find ways to reduce symptoms and improve daily life for those with IC/BPS.

Rutin is a bioflavonoid, or plant pigment, found in certain fruits and vegetables. Historically, it has been used to support cardiovascular health by promoting flexibility and strength in blood vessels. In recent years, however, the spotlight has turned to rutin for its potential role in IC management. In this article, we delve into the potential benefits of rutin as a supplement for people coping with IC/BPS.

All about rutin.

Listen to Femetry’s own Dr. Jennifer Anger discuss the many benefits of rutin.

Understanding rutin.

Rutin, also known as rutoside, is a glycoside of quercetin. This means that it is made up of quercetin and a sugar (disaccharide) rutinose. You can most likely find it in foods like apples, citrus fruits, buckwheat, and green tea.

As some foods might be triggering for a sensitive bladder, it may be a good idea to take rutin as a supplement. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so it may have a therapeutic effect on IC/BPS symptoms.

Potential benefits of rutin for Interstitial Cystitis management.

While more research is still needed on rutin for IC/BPS, initial theories and findings are promising. Rutin is a natural powerhouse with many ways to support the body. Let’s take a look at the potential benefits this plant pigment has to offer IC/BPS patients.

Rutin has inflammation-soothing effects.

Although the exact cause of IC/BPS is unknown, one theory is that the symptoms are related to some type of inflammation. Rutin may help support a healthy inflammatory response in the bladder. Similar to quercetin, rutin helps to inhibit the enzymes involved in the inflammatory process. By offering this support, rutin could be beneficial in easing bladder discomfort.

Rutin stimulates antioxidant action.

As with many other flavonoids, rutin has antioxidant capabilities. This plays a crucial role in combating oxidative stress, which may be the root cause of inflammation. By helping to neutralize free radicals, rutin may protect bladder tissues from damage and support overall urinary tract health.

Rutin helps the integrity of the bladder.

Rutin has shown promise in protecting bladder tissues from damage. If you have IC/BPS, you could also have a damaged or weakened bladder lining. This leaves the bladder prone to infection and irritation from harmful bacteria in the urine. The protective nature of rutin could help maintain the integrity of the bladder wall and ease IC/BPS symptoms.

Rutin influences the gut-bladder axis.

Recent scientific exploration has unveiled the intricate connection between gut health and bladder function. The gut-bladder axis suggests that imbalances in the gut microbiota can influence bladder health. Rutin, known for its prebiotic properties, may positively impact the gut microbiome. A healthy gut environment can potentially contribute to the overall well-being of people with IC/BPS.

Did you know…

Rutin is known to promote collagen production and helps the body use vitamin C.

Rutin, an emerging treatment option.

Beyond the realm of supplements, lifestyle factors play a pivotal role in IC/BPS management. Rutin supplementation could complement a holistic approach that includes stress management, dietary changes, adequate hydration, and other lifestyle considerations.
Research on the benefits of rutin for IC/BPS is still ongoing. However, rutin offers support for bladder inflammation, as well as antioxidant support.

For more information about our potent ingredients, visit our Ingredient Glossary.

  1. What is rutin?
    1. Rutin is a bioflavonoid, or plant pigment, found in certain fruits and vegetables.
  2. What is rutin good for?
    1. Rutin supports a healthy inflammatory response within the body by mitigating oxidative stress.
  3. Is rutin safe to take daily?
    1. Rutin is likely safe to take daily. But remember any existing health issues and talk to a doctor before adding it to your daily routine.
  4. What food has the most rutin in it?
    1. Apples and buckwheat are good sources of rutin. When you have IC/BPS, some foods that contain rutin also may trigger a flare. If this is the case for you, consider finding a supplement that contains rutin to get the same amazing benefits.
  5. Does rutin help Interstitial Cystitis?
    1. Rutin can help ease the discomfort associated with IC/BPS by supporting a healthy inflammatory response in the bladder.

Bladder Daily Comfort

Femetry Bladder Daily Comfort hand

Clinical doses of powerful ingredients, like aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, quercetin, and ashwagandha. This multipoint formula supports the underlying causes of IC, supports a healthy inflammatory response and bladder lining, and helps to keep stress at bay.

Learn more
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